Obtain copy of land register extract
Agency: Land Registry Department
One copy of the land register extract is required for the building permit application.
Time and cost: 1 day, XCD 10
Obtain survey plan, building forms, location plan (topographic sheet) and LRTP map extract
Agency: Lands and Survey Department
One copy of the survey plan, two building forms, one copy of a location plan (topographic sheet) and LRTP map extract are required for the building permit application.
Time and cost: 1 day, XCD 11
Obtain recommendations from Health Department
Agency: Health Department
Site and floor plans, the proof of ownership and survey plan are submitted, showing adequate drainage and septic tank as well as the elevation (what the building looks like from the outside).
Time and cost: 21 days, XCD 250
Obtain recommendations from Fire Department
Agency: Fire Department
Time and cost: 14 days, XCD 600
Receive stamp on drawings from a registered electrical engineer
Agency: Registered Engineer
A registered electrician must certify that the electrical plans are adequate
Time and cost: 3 days, XCD 1,400
Obtain approval from DCA’s Commercial Committee
Agency: Development Control Authority’s (DCA) Commercial Committee
The committee meets once a month. BuildCo must provide copies of all previous approvals, including all construction drawings required by the Development Control Authority (DCA). The DCA conducts the approval process for public and commercial buildings in Saint Lucia.
Time and cost: 42 days, XCD 4,200
Receive foundation works inspection
Agency: Development Control Authority
Development Control Authority will inspect the construction after the completion of foundation and structure works.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive structural works inspection
Agency: Development Control Authority
BuilCo. receives an inspection from municipal authorities to evaluate the building structure.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request inspection by Fire Department
Agency: Fire Department
BuildCo must request an inspection from the Fire Department.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request inspection from WASCO (Water and Sewage Company)
Agency: WASCO (Water Department)
BuildCo must request an inspection from WASCO.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive inspection by Fire Department
Agency: Fire Department
The Fire Department conducts an inspection to evaluate the quality of the construction and verify that the warehouse has been built according to the submitted plans an to their recommendations.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive inspection from WASCO (Water and Sewage Company)
Agency: WASCO (Water Department)
WASCO conducts an inspection to determine where the connection to water and sewage will be made.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain water and sewage connection
Agency: WASCO (Water Department)
After the inspection is conducted, WASCO provides the warehouse with the connection to water and sewage services.
Time and cost: 45 days, XCD 150
Obtain Fire Department letter
Agency: Fire Department
After the inspection has been conducted, the Fire Department issues a letter, confirming that the construction has followed the Fire Department recommendations
Time and cost: 12 days, no charge