Construction Permission
Obtain results of geotechnical study / soil test
Agency: Private Firm
According to Law No 2009-23 dated July 8, 2009 (Loi No 2009-23 Du 8 Juillet 2009 Portant Code De La Construction), the soil test is made for the stability of the construction and the authority have the right to request a copy of the results
Time and cost: 30 days, XOF 700,000
Obtain property title documents (certificats de droit réel ou réquisition)
Agency: Land Authorities (Bureau de la Conservation Foncière (Service des Domaines))
The property title documents include the history of the property and all loans associated with it.
Time and cost: 5 days, XOF 600
Obtain a cadastral map
Agency: Cadastre
The Cadastre will visit the property to check the boundaries.
Time and cost: 7 days, XOF 16,700
Obtain planning certificate (certificat d’urbanisme)
Agency: Regional Urban Planning Authority (Service Régionale d’Urbanisme )
The planning certificate (certificat d’urbanisme) identifies whether a specific land can be used for the intended construction and if there are some specific rules that must be respected.
The request must be addressed to the Mayor or to the president of the Rural Council along with a title deed or occupancy permit and an excerpt from the cadastral map of the plot.
The request can be done online through
Time and cost: 10 days, XOF 20,000
Obtain building permit
Agency: Ministry of Urbanism and Town Planning; Inspection Office; City Hall; Land Management; Hygiene Service; Civil Safety Office
The application file is submitted either online on or via five hardcopies. Each copy consists of an application form, along with the following:
- Plans of all the levels and facades at a scale of 1:100
- Block and location plan
- Two copies of the property title (per application)
Time and cost: 45 days, XOF 780,360
Hire a private inspection agency and receive approval of the technical execution plan
Agency: Bureau de Control
It is rare to receive an inspection from the authorities. Thus, to ensure that building standards are met, BuildCo hires a private inspection agency. Private inspectors visit the site at least once a week to perform technical inspections.
Time and cost: 1 day, XOF 1,230,302
Request final inspection from the Service d’Urbanisme to receive the certificate of conformity
Agency: Regional Urban Planning Authority (Service Régionale d’Urbanisme)
Once construction is completed, BuildCo must fill out a form requesting the certificate of conformity (certificat de conformite). A representative from BuildCo must go to the Service Regional in person with a copy of the authorized plans.
Time and cost: 1 day, XOF 5,500
Receive final inspection
Agency: Inspection Agency (Direction Régionale de l’Urbanisme et de l’Architecture)
This is an inspection that is done to verify compliance of the construction works with the regulations (prior to issuance of the certificate of conformity). Sometimes companies have to wait 2 weeks before receiving this final inspection.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain certificate of conformity
Agency: Regional Urban Planning Authority (Service Régionale d’Urbanisme)
The declaration of the completion of construction (déclaration attestant de l’achèvement des travaux) must be submitted within 30 days from the date of the end of construction activities.
Time and cost: 10 days, XOF 15,000
Apply for water connection
Agency: Société Sénégalaise des Eaux (SDE)
BuildCo must apply for the connection at the private water company, SDE. They lack personnel and so the time to obtain the estimate (devis) for the payment of fees takes about 1 to 2 weeks.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Pay the fees and obtain water connection
Agency: Société Sénégalaise des Eaux (SDE)
The application form cost ranges from FCFA 14,000.00 to FCFA 20,000.00. The connection cost is around FCFA 115,000.00 for industrial companies. This cost increases if the building is far from the nearest source of water.
The time estimate includes the time to obtain the estimated cost for extension of the grid.
Time and cost: 25 days, XOF 135,000
Apply for sewage connection
Agency: Office National d’Assainissement du Sénégal
BuildCo must apply for the connection to sewage at ONAS. One of the mandatory documents to be provided is the first water bill.
Time and cost: 1 day, XOF 36,580
Receive sewage inspection
Agency: Office National d’Assainissement du Sénégal
BuildCo must visit the sewage company in person to retrieve the inspectors for the inspection of the sewage mains. Otherwise, it can take them a few weeks to come. An inspection is necessary to obtain the estimate (devis) for the works to be completed.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Pay the fees and obtain sewage connection
Agency: Office National d’Assainissement du Sénégal
ONAS inspectors prepare the quotation (devis) within a week of inspecting the site. BuildCo must then go to ONAS to sign the paperwork and pay the fees. After that, they will install the connection. ONAS may sometimes outsource the works to a private company.
Time and cost: 45 days, XOF 250,000