Obtain urbanistic and building parameters certificate (Certificado de parámetros urbanísticos y edificatorios)
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
The certificate is issued by the district and / or provincial municipalities and serves to know what can be built and specify the design parameters that regulate the building process on a property (maximum and minimum heights, permitted and compatible uses, building coefficient, percentage of free area, among others). To obtain the certificate the builder must meet the following requirements:
- Application signed indicating the documents referring to the location of the property subject matter of processing;
- Location sketch;
- Payment of the processing fee.
The procedure is regulated by Law 29090 and is valid for 36 months.
Time and cost: 3 days, PEN 13
Obtain property ownership certificate (Certificado literal de partida)
Agency: SUNARP (Public Registry)
The Certificado Literal de Partida is a document issued by Public Registry (SUNARP). The certificate could include information about the land plot (certificado literal de partida para predios, and information about the legal entity (certificado literal de partida para persona jurídica, that includes information about the archived title and BuildCo). The certificate could have different pages depending on the request of BuildCo and the historical information of the land plot.
Per our case study, BuildCo must provide both information, about the legal entity and about the land plot. As a legal person, BuildCo must provide affidavit/proof pointing out that has current representation and the title according to the data of the Registry. The cost for this information is “certificado literal de título archivado” 0.13% of UIT per page. It is a copy of the certificate that BuildCo needs to obtain as a project-specific document.
The cost for the information about the land plot is 0.32% UIT = PEN 13 (for the first 2 pages) and 0.16% UIT = PEN 6 (any additional page after the first 2).
Time and cost: 1 day, PEN 45
Obtain results of geotechnical study / soil test
Agency: Private licensed company
BuildCo will request a soil test for the structural calculations for the foundation. Contractors ask for a soil test to ensure that the foundation of the building is solid. The engineer must understand the suitability of the soil for the proposed construction work. It allows to build a solid foundation and avoid structures to be damaged or collapsed or leaned. A soil test is required by law and conducted in practice.
Time and cost: 14 days, USD 3,000
Submit preliminary design for consultation to the Municipality (revision de anteproyecto)
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
The following documents must be submitted http://www.munilurin.gob.pe/tramites-y-servicios/desarrollo-urbano/procedimiento24.pdf):
- Original FUE duplicate, duly subscribed and all of its sheets endorsed by the professional designer, indicating the receipt number and the date of payment of the preliminary draft;
- Affidavit proving qualifications of professionals involved in the project (page 8 of the FUE);
- Copy of Proof of Payment for Right of Review to the College of Architects of Peru – CAP;
- Copy of Proof of payment to CENEPRED (if required)
- Plans: location; architecture plan (floors, cuts and elevations); safety and evacuation plans;
- Descriptive Memory of architecture;
- Descriptive safety and evacuation report (if applicable).
According to Lurin’s municipal fee schedule: For “revision de anteproyecto (modalidad C)” 8.81% of UIT
Time and cost: 10 days, PEN 370
Request water and sewage supply service feasibility study from water utility SEDAPAL
The certificate of feasibility of water and sewerage services is a requirement to process the building license. The builder must attach, among other requirements:
- Application for the feasibility certificate;
- Copy of the applicant’s ID;
- Descriptive report;
- Registration copy
- Supply number of existing water connections and the amount of drain connections for sanitary systems; Y
- Payment for processing right.
Time and cost: 7 days, PEN 107
Receive inspection from SEDAPAL
SEDAPAL conducts a feasibility inspection on the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain water and sewage supply service clearance
After receiving the inspection from SEDAPAL, BuildCo must obtain clearance for water and sewage service supply. It usually takes 14 days.
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge
Request electric power supply service feasibility
Agency: Luz del Sur
Before submitting the application for the building permit, BuildCo must request electric power supply service feasibility. BuildCo must attach to its request:
- Application for the feasibility certificate;
- Copy of the applicant’s ID;
- Proof of the ownership of the land
- Sketch of location of the property
This procedure usually takes 5 days.
Time and cost: 5 days, no charge
Obtain construction license from the Municipality (licencia de obra para edificacion nueva)
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
The following documents must be submitted to obtain the building permit:
- Procedure form (two copies)
- Single official form
- Specification of the construction work budget
- Authenticated copy of property title
- Land development and building parameter certificate
- Project authorization certificate and proficiency certificate for the person in charge of the construction work
- Memoria justificativa
- Location and site maps
- Architectural, structural, sanitary system, and electrical plans
- Drawings and records to be reviewed by the ad-hoc delegates
- Proof of payment
- Road impact study, only in the cases established by the National Building Regulations and with the requirements and scope established by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation
- Favorable technical report of urban reviewers, as appropriate
- CAR (All Contractor Risk) policy, according to the characteristics of the work to be executed, with coverage for material and personal damage to third parties, and as a complement to the Supplementary Work Insurance of Risk.
Payment grants the right to a specialized review before the Technical Qualifying Commission (Comisión Técnica Calificadora). If necessary, the Technical Qualifying Commission may request an environmental impact assessment and land surveys.
According to Lurin’s municipal fee schedule: For “licencia de obra (modalidad C)” 4.63% of UIT
Time and cost: 45 days, PEN 682
Request and obtain contractor’s all risk insurance (CAR)
Agency: Private insurance company
According to Law 20090, BuildCo must obtain a risk insurance as a prerequisite to start construction works. Depending on the characteristics of the work to be executed, the policy must have coverage for material and personal damages to third parties.
Time and cost: 1 day, PEN 2,190
Notify the commencement of the construction work to Municipality
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
Once the CAR insurance has been obtained, BuildCo can submit it to Municipality and notify the commencement of the construction work.
Time and cost: 1 day, PEN 789
Receive first of a minimum of three inspections during construction
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
According to “Reglamento de Verificación Administrativa y Técnica” there is a minimum of three inspections during construction.
According to Lurin’s municipal fee schedule: For “licencia de obra-verificación técnica (modalidad C)” 6.26% of UIT (3 inspections)
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive second of a minimum of three inspections during construction
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
BuildCo. receives second phased inspection
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request and obtain potable water and sewage service installation
Once the feasibility studio has been finalized, BuilCo requests and obtains the connection to the potable water services.
Time and cost: 21 days, PEN 900
Receive third of a minimum of three inspections during construction
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
BuildCo. receives third phased inspection
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request construction work conformity certificate and factory statement (conformidad de obra y declaratoria de edificación)
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
Once the building work is finished, the builder must present the following documents to the municipality:
- FUE corresponding to the construction agreement and building declaration;
- Document proving the right to build;
- Copy of the location and location, architecture and license plans;
- Layout plans for location and location, and architecture;
- Security stakeout plans, mode C and D;
- Copies of the vouchers for review payment;
- Document that records the date of execution of the work;
- Copy of the section of the Workbook in which the modifications made are accredited; Y
- Payment of corresponding municipal fee.
According to the rate of the Municipality of Lurín, the cost of the certificate for modality C (case study Doing Business) is 6.99% of UIT.
Time and cost: 2 days, PEN 294
Receive final inspection by the District Municipality
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
Once the construction has been finalized, the municipal authorities conduct an inspection of the building.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain construction work conformity certificate and factory statement (conformidad de obra y declaratoria de edificación)
Agency: District Municipality (Municipalidad Distrital)
Once the inspection has been completed and if the work is found to be in accordance with the approved plans, the favorable report is issued, the plans sealed, the agreement signed in the Single Form. This act constitutes the Work Compliance and the Building Declaration, a document that gives merit to its registration. The procedure is regulated by Supreme Decree number 011-2017-HOUSING.
Time and cost: 3 days, no charge
Register the factory statement (declaratoria de fábrica) with SUNARP
Agency: SUNARP
The registration cost of the factory statement is 0.97% of the UIT on the account of a qualification fee, plus 0.3% of the construction work value.
Once the construction agreement and building declaration by the municipality have been obtained, the builder requests the registration of the new building before the SUNARP, attaching the following documents:
- Registration form, duly completed and signed;
- Copy of the ID of the legal representative;
- Map of the location and construction site and drawing of the floors or levels of distribution, signed by the inspector, if required;
- Technical report issued by the designated inspector, the development plan and the certificate of the building parameters, in case of regularization of the latter;
- Proof of payments of the corresponding fees; Y
- Other documents, in accordance with the registration qualification in force at the time of registration.
Time and cost: 20 days, PEN 3,326