Conduct a topographical survey
Agency: Private agency
While a topographic survey is not required by law, BuildCo would, in practice, obtain one and submit the results along with the application documents to the Construction Authority (ABI), who will later on submit the full application to the Municipality.
Time and cost: 7 days, CHF 1,500
Obtain approval for planning application
Agency: Office for Construction and Infrastructure (ABI)
BuildCo has to obtain the planning application approval from ABI. The application form, which is available online, will be submitted along with the following documents physically to ABI:
- Architectural plans
- Proof of title (Extract from the registry)
- Justification of the purpose of the building
- Building specifications
- Sewerage and water connection forms
Time and cost: 2 days, no charge
Obtain approval from the competent authorities
Agency: Municipality, Office of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Environment
After the documents have been submitted to the Construction Authority and the planning application approved, copies of the architectural plans will be sent to the Municipality, the Office of Economic Affairs, and the Ministry of Environment for their review. In the case where the Municipality rejects the project, the decision is considered final and cannot be overruled by the Construction Authority (ABI).
Time and cost: 60 days, no charge
Obtain building approval from neighbors
Agency: Office for Construction and Infrastructure (ABI)
The Building Authority (ABI) notifies the neighbors, who have 2 weeks to raise any objections they may have regarding the project. If objections are raised, a mediation starts between the different parties. If no amicable settlement was reached, the building authority has to take a decision within 14 days of the end of the mediation period. This process is undertaken simultaneously to the previous procedure.
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge
Obtain approval of building application
Agency: The Construction Authority (ABI)
The Construction Authority (ABI) is considered the competent authority by law to oversee and coordinate the permitting process. Based on the input received from the three assessing agencies (Municipality, Office of Economic Affairs, and the Ministry of Environment), ABI will grant the building permit approval.
Time and cost: 53 days, CHF 4,000
Receive unscheduled inspection from Fire Department
Agency: Fire Department under ABI
During the construction of the warehouse, the Fire Department under ABI will conduct an unscheduled inspection. However, phased inspections are conducted by the in-house engineer.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request and receive final construction clearance inspection
Agency: Fire Department under ABI
Once the construction is done, BuildCo requests and receives the inspection from the Fire Department under the Construction Authority (ABI), who will inspect the building against the approved plans. The Fire Department will then produce the final inspection report, 2 days after the inspection is done.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request and receive water and sewage connections
Agency: Municipality
BuildCo requests and receives water and sewage connection to the municipality networks.
Time and cost: 14 days, CHF 20,000