Obtain a geotechnical study
Agency: National Laboratory for Building Construction and Public Works (Laboratoire National Du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics)
Fees are based on a maximum calculation (Maximum d’essais), which comprises all the verifications the National Laboratory of Construction and Public Works has to do.
Time and cost: 14 days, BIF 600,000
Obtain a topographic survey of the land
Agency: Private firm
A topographic survey of the land is necessary for the accurate design of the building plans
Time and cost: 2 days, BIF 175,000
Submit application for the building permit at the DGHU
Agency: Directorate of Urban Planning and Habitat (DGHU)
Documents needed for the building permit are:
- One copy of the property title
- One copy of the original payment receipt of the “frais de viabilisation”
- One copy of the original “proces Verbal de bornage et d’arpentage” (obtained when the property title is being processed on the bare land)
- Construction plans: Vues en plan, facades, coupe, plan d’implantation (4 copies of each)
- Original estimated cost of construction: original (3 copies)
- Original septic tank plan (3 copies)
- Original structural plan since it is a G1 structure (ground level with 1 floor)
- Original geotechnical study since it is a G1 structure
The files are submitted at the ‘Service de Control de la DGHU’, who in turn will forward them internally to the Service de L’instruction.
Applicants are instructed to return to the DGHU 3 days after submitting their files to check on the status of the applications and to see whether additional information or documents or changes must be made to the plans. Assuming that no modifications are required, BuildCo will accompany the inspector to the site of construction. This is to verify that the parcel is correct and no construction work has started without a permit.
During those 3 days, the service verifies the plans, particularly in terms of “plan d’occupation des sols” (which surface one is allowed to build on). If some remarks and missing documents need to be addressed, the on-premise inspection will occur once all issues are addressed.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Pay permit fees and the construction tax at the Banque de la Republique du Burundi
Agency: Banque de la Republique du Burundi
Payment of the permit fees and the construction tax is made at the Banque de la Republique du Burundi.
The cost of the permit is 0.6% of estimated construction cost per square meter (BIF 750,000.00 x 1,300.6).
In addition, the urban development cost must also be paid and the amount depends on the location of construction. For the Doing Business case study, the location of the warehouse is the “quartier des usines.” For this specific location, the cost is BIF 400 per square meter of the building (BIF 400 * 1,300.6).
Time and cost: 1 day, BIF 666,847
Present proof of payment of the construction tax (taxe de batisse) to the DGHU
Agency: Directorate of Urban Planning and Habitat (DGHU)
The proof of payment must be provided to the DGHU.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain building permit
Agency: Directorate of Urban Planning and Habitat (DGHU)
There are two signatures on a building permit. The Director of DGHU signs the file which is then forwarded to the Director General of DGHU for his signature. There are no mechanisms to inform applicants that their construction permit has been processed. It is the responsibility of the applicant to follow up.
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge
Request certificate of conformity and proof of development
Agency: Directorate of Urban Planning and Habitat (DGHU)
Once the construction is completed, the owner requests an ‘attestation de mise en valeur et de conformité’ from DGHU. This attestation validates that the construction has been built in accordance to the approved plans. To complete the attestation, DGHU will inspect the site of construction.
The application for a certificate of conformity must be accompanied by a picture of the newly constructed building.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive inspection from DGHU
Agency: Directorate of Urban Planning and Habitat (DGHU)
DGHU will do a final inspection to make sure the construction has been done according to the approved plans. DGHU will be accompanied by the service utility agencies REGIDESO and SETEMU who will also do the inspection before connecting the utilities.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain certificate of conformity and proof of development
Agency: Directorate of Urban Planning and Habitat (DGHU)
After the final inspection is completed and the construction deemed conform to the plans, the DGHU will issue the certificate of conformity and proof of development.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Deposit request for the modification of the “proces verbal de bornage et d’arpentage” at the Cadastre
Agency: Direction National du Cadastre
Once a building has been completed, it must be registered at the Land Registry to have a property tile. Therefore, the “process verbal de bornage et d’arpentage” must be modified to reflect the new constructed building. A new “process verbal de bornage et d’arpentage” will be issued. This is required in order for the Land Registry to issue the property title.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive site inspection from the Cadastre
Agency: Direction National du Cadastre
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain updated “proces verbal de bornage et d’arpentage” from the Cadastre
Agency: Direction National du Cadastre
After the Cadastre has inspected the site, BuildCo will receive the Proces Verbal de bornage et d’arpentage.
Time and cost: 3 days, no charge
Request and receive updated property title from the land registry
Agency: Department of Land Titles (Ministry of Justice)
BuildCo will present the Proces Verbal to the Land Registry in order to obtain the updated property title.
Time and cost: 30 days, BIF 520,240
Obtain water connection
Time and cost: 30 days, BIF 500,000
Obtain sewage connection
Agency: SETEMU
Time and cost: 15 days, BIF 500,000