Request and obtain land clearance from Tashkent City Hokimiyat (submission of an application for a land plot and of approved materials)
Agency: District Governor’s Office
Starting on January 1, 2016, the government changed the way land plots of up to 1 hectare are allocated to legal entities and individuals. Land plots are now assigned on the basis of a competitive selection process. Local authorities (municipalities) select land plots that are available for allocation. Then, each Municipality has the local Department of Architecture and Construction obtain all preliminary approvals of land allocation (previously separate procedures) from the relevant authorities, depending on the environmental, architectural and zoning requirements of the individual plots. Once all approvals are obtained internally by the Department of Architecture and Construction, a complete set of documents is prepared for each land plot and submitted to the contest organizer within the Municipality.
The time is 38 days (30 days after announcement is made to apply + 3 days for the committee to evaluate the bids + 5 days to announce the decision).
Per the new process, an announcement is made in the mass media that there are land plots allocated for a specific type of construction (e.g., kindergarten, produce store, a warehouse etc.). Subsequently, these land plots, with all the necessary characteristics, are made available on the website of the State Committee of Uzbekistan on Architecture and Construction:
There is only one committee that organizes the bid. The announcement about the bid is made 1 month before the start of the bidding process, so bidders have 1 month to prepare the application and submit the bid. The committee takes 3 days to evaluate all the bids and then it has 5 days to announce the allotment decision.
Once the decision is made, it is announced in mass media (in the same national and local newspapers where the bid was announced in the first place). The committee will inform the winners within 2 days after the official announcement. Those who were not selected will find out in the papers and on the website. The announcement is also sent by mail to all bidders.
The announcement of the auction / competition is made only 2 times a year (May and November). This announcement is determined based on demand and supply of available land plots.
The Hokimiyat signs a contract with the winner and the winner can go ahead and sign a contract with the project design company.
Time and cost: 38 days, no charge
Obtain topographic survey of the land plot and the land plot’s precise location (red lines) by “UzGAShKLITI”
Agency: State Design Research Institute of Engineering Studies in Construction, Geoinformatics and Urban Cadastre – “UzGAShKLITI”
A specialized agency draws the precise location of the land plot on a map (usually in red color, hence the name “red lines”).
Time and cost: 21 days, UZS 1,200,000
Request and obtain technical conditions for the connection to water and sewerage
Agency: Water and Sewerage Authority
BuildCo must obtain technical terms for the connection to the water and sewerage systems. The terms are necessary for preparing project documentation.
BuildCo must submit the following information to the local water and sewerage authority:
- For water: the load of water demand, the calculation of water height, and the expected date of commencement of water consumption
- For sewerage: the calculation of sewage volume, qualitative composition of the sewage, specification of whether the any plans for internal treatment, and the expected date the sewerage system is to be put into operation
By law, this procedure should be completed in 3 business days. However, in practice, it takes longer.
Time and cost: 7 days, no charge
Request and obtain architectural and technical objectives
Agency: Main Department of Architecture and Construction
Based on the terms for designing the building in accordance with engineering supply norms and regulations, the technical conditions, and the decision of the Hokimat on the land plot (all provided by the department on architecture and construction of the city), the Main Department of Architecture and Construction develops the architectural planning terms (APZ, parts I and II).
The fee is established by Government Resolution No. 150 (dated May 30, 2013) was set at 4 MMW.
Time and cost: 30 days, UZS 810,920
Request ecological examination
Agency: Private Licensed Organization
BuildCo should submit the project and pre-project documentation for ecological examination to a private expert firm. The expert firm will provide the examination and will also obtain the conclusion from The State Ecological Examination body of the Committee on the Protection of Nature of the city of Tashkent will issue the conclusion of the ecological examination. This document is necessary for subsequent submission to the territorial Inspection of State Architectural Building Supervision of the city of Tashkent and to the servicing bank (to allow financing). It is also necessary for obtaining the fire safety and earthquake stability compliance.
Time and cost: 20 days, UZS 725,000
Request and obtain examination of project documents on their compliance with fire safety and seismic stability
Agency: State Architectural and Construction Inspection (GASN)
After obtaining an ecological evaluation, BuildCo can submit the construction plans for state examination on their compliance with fire safety and earthquake stability.
Time and cost: 14 days, UZS 405,460
Request and obtain sanitation clearance for the project
Agency: State Sanitation and Epidemic Supervision Authority
BuildCo must obtain project clearance from the state sanitation and epidemic supervision authority. This document can only be obtained after obtaining the fire safety and earthquake stability compliance.
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge
Request and obtain project clearance from the local water and sewerage authority
Agency: Water and Sewerage Authority
BuildCo must obtain project clearance from the local water and sewerage authority. This authority checks whether the project and other relevant documentation conform to construction rules and technical terms. BuildCo enters into a contract with the local water and sewerage authority on technical supervision of the construction. This document can only be obtained after obtaining a sanitation clearance.
Time and cost: 7 days, no charge
Request and obtain construction permit from State Architectural and Construction Inspection (GASN)
Agency: State Architectural and Construction Inspection (GASN)
The permit for construction works is issued by the local branch of the architecture and construction authority. Although the permit should be issued within 5 days, in practice it takes longer.
An inspector from the local branch of the architecture and construction authority undertakes oversight of the construction. There is no permit application fee. However, for the oversight/inspection phase, the company enters into a contract with the authority at a cost of 0.03% of the value of the warehouse.
The company must submit the following documents:
- Application form
- Positive evaluation summary from the public examination bodies on the working project
- Copy of the general plan and elevations of the building approved by the architectural bodies, or the protocol of the Town-Planning Council of the Main Department on Architecture and Construction of the city of Tashkent
- Address list of construction sites
The Inspectorate registers the construction project and issues the building permit. BuildCo starts construction of the warehouse and notifies the Inspectorate of the commencement of works within a month of receiving the building permit.
Time and cost: 10 days, UZS 191,243
Hire a technical supervision company for construction supervision
Agency: Private construction supervision company
There are three levels of construction supervision in Uzbekistan: (1) internal supervision or author’s supervision, (2) technical supervision conducted by an external firm and (3) government supervision. The technical supervision companies usually charge around 2-3% of the construction costs.
Time and cost: 1 day, UZS 15,936,954
Receive inspection from the State Architectural and Construction Inspection (GASN)
Agency: State Architectural and Construction Inspection (GASN)
Inspection is carried out by State Architectural and Construction Inspection (GASN). GASN will assign one inspector for the specific construction who will be responsible for conducting the inspections throughout the construction period.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Connect to water and sewerage services
Agency: Water and Sewerage Authority
Time and cost: 5 days, no charge
Obtain updated topographic map
Agency: State Design Research Institute of Engineering Studies in Construction, Geoinformatics and Urban Cadastre – “UzGAShKLITI”
Once the construction works and complete and the water and sewage connection is obtained, the State Design Research Institute “UzGAShKLITI” conducts a survey of the land plot and of the building to develop a new topographic map of the area with the new construction on it. This is called executive mapping.
Time and cost: 7 days, no charge
Call and establish Working Commission and submit documents to the Commission
Agency: Working Commission
After completion of the construction works, BuildCo requests the creation of a Working Commission composed of the representatives of district architects, the sanitation supervision authority, the state fire supervision authority, the ministry on emergency situations, the city committee on nature protection, and others.
The timeframe under the Construction rules, registered by Ministry of Justice No. 545, for establishing Working Commission is 5 working days. However, in practice it takes 14 days, as the Commission only meets once every two weeks and in case the file doesn’t make it to the first meeting, it would almost certainly be reviewed at the second one.
BuildCo must submit the following documents to the Working Commission:
- The list of organizations that participated in the building and construction works, along with the type of work done by these organizations, the family names of the responsible engineers and technical employees
- The full set of design drawings of the property developed by the project organizations
- Certificates, technical passports, and other documents certifying the quality and safety of the materials, constructions, and details used in the building and construction works
- Other relevant documents
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge
Receive inspection and obtain certificate of completion from Working Commission
Agency: Working Commission
After the inspection, an act of acceptance is drafted and endorsed by all members in no more than 5 working days.
The Working Commission will inspect, among other things:
- The compliance of the building and construction works with the requirements on labor protection, fire safety, environment protection, and its prevention of human-caused emergency situations, and so forth
- The separate constructions and units of the warehouse
If its findings are favorable, the commission then accepts the construction for subsequent presentation to the State Acceptance Board.
The Working Commission issues the following:
- The certificate of allowable concentration of radon in the completed constructions
- The certificate of acceptance of the temporary buildings and constructions
- The certificate of readiness of the construction for presentation to the State Acceptance Board
Time and cost: 21 days, no charge
Request and obtain certificate of acceptance from the Tashkent City Hokimat
Agency: Hokimat
The Hokim (the head of the city government) decides whether to approve the Working Commission’s act of acceptance within 2 days. However, in practice, this takes longer. There is no fee involved. The decision of Hokim is further needed for registering the building with the cadastre authorities.
BuildCo should submit to the State Acceptance Board, among other documents, the following documents:
- The certificate on elimination of defects brought to light by the Working Commission
- The approved project and estimate documentation
- The list of project and research organizations that participated in construction
- Other relevant documents
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge
Register the new construction with the cadastre
Agency: Cadastre
BuildCo must register the new construction with the real estate cadastre of the relevant district of the city of Tashkent. The registration takes around 2 weeks in Tashkent and costs 50% of MMW for legal entities.
Time and cost: 30 days, UZS 101,365