Obtain geo-technical study of the land
Agency: Private licensed company
A soil test is a necessary step for development of the project. The soil investigation helps to determine the bearing capacity of the land, which helps to determine the load capability, the type and depth of foundation required. The soil test allows the engineer to draft the structural project plan. The soil test is submitted to the Civil Engineering Department to obtain clearance of the structural project plan.
Time and cost: 15 days, EUR 2,000
Obtain topographic survey of the land plot
Agency: Private licensed company
A topographic survey of the land plot must be obtained prior to developing the architectural plans of the warehouse.
Time and cost: 15 days, EUR 1,000
Hire an independent engineer to test structure
Agency: Authorized Independent Engineer
According to Art. 67, DPR.380, BuildCo must appoint an engineer or an architect to test the structures once the structural works have been finalized. The engineer or architect must not be directly involved in the project and must have been enrolled in the professional register for at least 10 years.
Time and cost: 1 day, EUR 6,000
Obtain building permit
Agency: Department of Urban Planning and Implementation (PAU), Municipality of Rome
The application for a building permit is filed with the Department of Urban Planning and Implementation (PAU), Municipality of Rome. BuildCo must file the following documents:
- Proof of title of ownership to the property for which the building permit is requested;
- Project design drawings signed by an engineer or an architect, including the drawings relating to electric utilities, air conditioning systems, sewerage and water connections and fire protection devices.
- The PAU may also request a clearance from the Fire Department and from the Public Health Agency.
The minimum term required for the issuance of the building permit is 90 days (where the applicant has submitted all the correct documents and the competent agency has not asked for integration of documents and/or small variations to the project). In practice, if there are requests for variation/integration, the Municipality takes more time to issue the building permit.
The fees for the issuance of the building permit are calculated based on the building value and on the urbanization costs sustained by the Municipality. The fee based on building value must be paid no later than 60 days after the completion of the building; the fee based on urbanization costs must be paid upon issuance of the building permit.
The Law Decree No. 70 of May 13, 2011 has introduced the “silence is consent” rule for issuing building permits. Specifically, if the Municipality does not reply within the deadline indicated by law, the entrepreneur is entitled to start construction activities (unless there are restrictions on the land/building for historical, landscape or cultural reasons). For complex projects, the Municipality must reply within 150 days from the receipt of the application (such time does not consider any extension of the time necessary for any request of integration or changes to the project by the competent office).
Time and cost: 135 days, EUR 38,061
Obtain seismic authorization
Agency: Regional Technical Office (Genio Civile)
Under the Lazio Regional Regulation No. 14 of July 13, 2016, the application to obtain the seismic authorization (nulla osta) must be done online to Civil Engineering Department (Genio civile), by using the so-called “open genio” platform. Applications delivered by hand are not accepted. The Civil Engineering Department checks for the compliance of the project with the technical provisions set forth by the competent administration through an internal control committee and issues the seismic authorization. In practice, BuildCo waits for the approval of architectural plans before submitting the structural project plan; this is made to avoid changing the latter due to potential modifications required by competent offices to the former.
The Regional Office “Genio Civile” checks for the compliance of the project with the technical provisions set forth by the competent administration through an internal control committee and issues the seismic authorization.
Structural projects are randomly selected for control during the first ten days of the month following application. Projects that are not selected are automatically authorized. However, the applicant must wait until a formal letter of seismic approval is received. The letter arrives approximately within two weeks.
For projects selected for control, the procedure lasts at least 60 days.
Time and cost: 30 days, EUR 1,316
Submit notification of commencement of works
Agency: Telematic One-Stop Shop for Construction (SUET), Muncipality of Rome
Before starting construction, BuildCo must submit a notification of commencement of construction to the Telematic One-Stop Shop for Construction (SUET), Muncipality of Rome, as well as to Genio Civile (both online), according to Art.15, DPR 380. The form must include information about the developer, the date when construction will start, the name of the Works Director and the Director responsible for safety, as well as a self-certification of payment regularity to professionals (DURC). Works must start within 1 year after obtaining the building permit.
Time and cost: 0.5 days, no charge
Report closure of structural works
Agency: Regional Technical Office (Civil Engineering)
After structural works have been finalized, the work site director must provide test results for the structural material used to build the structure (Art. 65, DPR 380). In the case of reinforced concrete, the testing must be done on three samples taken on each day that concrete is poured and on one sample for each steel per file used in the structure. The testing is based on per files traction and compression resistance and must be done by an authorized testing lab. The work-site director delivers the report to the external engineer/architect who has 60 days to test the structures and subsequently submits the results to the civil engineering department.
Time and cost: 1 day, EUR 137
File certified notification of starting activity (SCIA) for fire security
Agency: Fire Department
A certified notification of starting activity (SCIA) for fire security is a declaration produced by BuildCo that the building is in compliance with all fire safety regulations. It is submitted online to the Fire Department through certified mail (PEC). Alternatively, it can be submitted to the One-Stop Shop for Productive Activities (SUAP). For a warehouse containing books, the cost will be EUR 216 as per the D.P.R. 151/11 (Presidential Decree 151/11 of August 1, 2011. See activity No. 34.1.B for warehouses containing books).
Time and cost: 0.5 days, EUR 216
Receive final inspection by the Fire Department
Agency: Fire Department
The Municipal Fire Department conducts inspections according to the category in which the warehouse is listed. There are 80 different types of activities and all activities are classified in three categories: A, B and C from the lowest to the highest risk of fire. The category depends on the type of activity, the size of the warehouse and the number of people expected to frequently use the building. The Municipal Fire Department conducts the inspection based on the categories. Inspections are conducted in 15% of the cases for category A; 50% of the cases for category B (which the case study warehouse falls under); and 100% of the cases for category C. As a result of the inspection, the Fire Department may ask for changes in the fire safety system (Presidential Decree 151/11 of August 1, 2011. See activity No. 34.1.B for warehouses containing books).
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Register the building
Agency: Revenue Agency, Rome Territorial Office
BuildCo is required to register the warehouse before reporting the closure of works and filing the occupancy certificate. The applicant interacts with the local territorial office, within the revenue agency, through two platforms that are managed at the national level. First, BuildCo records the new map using “Docfa” software and second, BuildCo registers the warehouse using “Pregeo” software. After registration, BuildCo receives a cadastral code that has to be submitted for the occupancy certificate.
Time and cost: 5 days, EUR 159
Apply for water and sewerage connection
Agency: Rome Water Company (ACEA SpA)
BuildCo shall contact the water authority to obtain the water and sewage connection.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive on-site inspection and estimation of water and sewerage installation costs
Agency: Rome Water Company (ACEA SpA)
Rome Water Company (ACEA SpA) comes to conduct a physical inspection of the construction and to see whether the building is ready for water connection. The company also estimates the cost of connecting to water and sewerage system, which in BuildCo’s case, is EUR 600.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain water and sewerage connection
Agency: Rome Water Company (ACEA SpA)
After conducting the inspection and estimating the costs, Rome Water Company (ACEA SpA) connects BuildCo to water and sewerage systems.
Time and cost: 29 days, EUR 600
File a certified report for occupancy
Agency: Department of Urban Planning and Implementation (PAU), Municipality of Rome
Within 15 days of the building’s completion, BuildCo must submit the following documents for the occupancy certificate (SCA), including:
- The cadastral registration;
- The builder’s statement attesting the compliance of the building with the original project;
- Statements of the independent experts involved in testing structures;
- Connections to public utilities;
- Clearance from Fire Department.
The Municipality has 30 days to require additional documents in case something is missing; however, occupancy of the building is valid just after submission (pursuant to Law DLGS 222/2016 which replaced article 25 of DPR 380/01 regulating the issuance of the building permit).
Time and cost: 0.5 days, EUR 150