Obtain cadastre extract
Agency: Cadastre
The Cadastre extract is necessary to determine the boundaries of the plot before designing the plans. It also includes topographical and zoning information.
Time and cost: 7 days, GNF 150,000
Obtain a copy of the property title
Agency: Legal Clerk, Notary, or Huissier de Justice
BuildCo must obtain a certified copy of the property title and submit it when requesting a building permit.
Time and cost: 2 days, GNF 300,000
Obtain soil test/geotechnical survey
Agency: BGGA
The soil test is needed to design the foundation of the building and determine how it will be set. The soil test results will also be submitted as part of the permit application.
Time and cost: 10 days, GNF 650,000
Obtain building permit
Agency: Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie
The application is addressed to the Ministry of Urban Planning and Housing. The dossier contains the following documents:
- Request to the Minister, Ministre de l’Urbanisme, the Governor of the city, or to the Mayor- Maire de la Commune according to the building use and the location
- Property title (Titre foncier, décrêt, arrêté ou bail)
- Architectural and technical plans (structure, installations électriques and hydrosanitaires); the descriptive document of the project prepared by an architect office, and the soil analysis.
Time and cost: 80 days, GNF 3,771,950
Receive on-site inspection from the Direction Nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Urbanisme upon commencement of construction
Agency: Direction Nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Urbanisme
BuildCo receives an inspection from the Direction Nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Urbanisme upon commencement of construction
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive on-site inspection from the Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie upon commencement of construction
Agency: Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie
BuildCo receives an inspection from the Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie upon commencement of construction
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive on-site inspection from the Municipal Tax Authority (Service des Impots de la Commune)
Agency: Service des Impots de la Commune
The Municipal Tax Authority (Service des Impots de la Commune) inspects the site to ensure that BuildCo is paying the withholding taxes on its workers’ salaries.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive on-site inspection from the Local Health Service (Service de Salubrité) – I
Agency: Local Health Service (Service de Salubrité)
The Local Health Service (Service de Salubrité) inspects the site every 2 weeks. The agency may visit as often as every week depending on the project.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive on-site inspection from the Local Health Service (Service de Salubrité) – II
Agency: Local Health Service (Service de Salubrité)
The Local Health Service (Service de Salubrité) inspects the site every 2 weeks. The agency may visit as often as every week depending on the project.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Notify Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie of the completion of construction works
Agency: Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie
The head supervisor of construction must notify the Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie when construction works are complete and request a final inspection.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive final inspection and certificate of conformity (certificat d’habilité)
Agency: Direction Nationale de la Construction de Logemenet et du Cadre de Vie
After the construction is done, BuildCo receives the final inspection to make sure the construction was done according to the approved plans. If there are no objections from the inspecting agency, the certificate of conformity will be issued.
Time and cost: 7 days, GNF 840,000
Register warehouse with the Ministère de la Construction, de l’Urbanisme et Habitat
Agency: Ministère de la Construction, de l’Urbanisme et Habitat
Real estate taxes and the occupancy tax (tax à l’ occupation) of GNF 300,000.00 (paid only once) must be paid after construction is finished.
Time and cost: 1 day, GNF 300,000
Request water connection
Agency: Guinea Water Company (SEG)
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive inspection by water company
Agency: Guinea Water Company (SEG)
The Société des Eaux de Guinée will inspect the site and prepare a cost estimate.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain water connection
Agency: Guinea Water Company (SEG)
Time and cost: 36 days, GNF 250,000
Build septic tank
Agency: Private firm
BuildCo must install a septic tank as sewerage networks are not available in the majority of the city.
Time and cost: 21 days, GNF 21,250,000