Request and obtain cadastre certificate
Agency: Municipality
To request the cadastre certificate, a form must be picked up at the Municipality (where stamps must be purchased) for a fee of BOB 70.00. The form must be completed by an architect recognized by the Municipality (the architect is assumed to be a BuildCo employee). Typically, such an architect would charge about BOB 200.00 to BOB 500.00. Finally, a topographic plot plan must be acquired and attached to the form. Such a plan costs about BOB 1,620.00.
Thus, the fees to be paid at the Municipality amount to BOB 1,620.00 + BOB 70.00 = BOB 1,690.00.
Time and cost: 60 days, BOB 1,690
Request and obtain a Land Registry Certificate (“Folio real”-“Información Rápida”) at Real Estate Office (Oficina de Derechos Reales)
Agency: Real Estate Office (Oficina de Derechos Reales)
The Información Rápida of the Folio Real indicates the land’s location, surface and limits, and ownership history. To obtain this folio, BuildCo must present an application letter, attaching two copies of the testimony of property from the Real Estate Office and two copies of the owner’s identity card.
For this request, BuildCo must present the cadastre certificate obtained in procedure 1.
Time and cost: 1 day, BOB 78
Request and obtain a zoning permit (traso vial) from Municipality
Agency: Municipality
To obtain a zoning permit (traso vial) a special form must be completed by a professional licensed by the College of Architects of La Paz. It is assumed in this case that the professional is a BuildCo staff member. La Paz does not have updated, comprehensive maps of some zones (particularly industrial zones). The current maps date back to 1986. This document defines the construction impact on adjacent zones.
Documents to be presented are: The cadastre certificate, The Land Registry certificate.
Time and cost: 45 days, BOB 96
Obtain results of geotechnical study / soil test
Agency: Private licensed company
BuildCo will request a soil test for the structural calculations for the foundation. Contractors ask for a soil test to ensure that the foundation of the building is solid. The engineer must understand the suitability of the soil for the proposed construction work. It allows to build a solid foundation and avoid structures to be damaged or collapsed or leaned.
Time and cost: 20 days, BOB 5,125
Submit and obtain approval of plans by the Architects Association
Agency: Architects Association (Colegio de Arquitectos)
To request a construction permit, BuildCo must submit the following documentation:
- Written letter to the Municipality
- Single registration form (formulario único de administración predial) (downloadable on the Municipality’s website)
- Cadastre certificate (Procedure 1)
- Property title (copy)
- Royal folio (Procedure 2)
- Zoning permit (traso vial) (Procedure 3)
- Receipt of last five property tax payments
- Identification card (copy)
- Plans (original and copy)
The municipality reviews the documents and enters the application data into the electronic system SITR@M. After 5 business days, the architect in charge returns to the Municipality to arrange a date for the on-site inspection (preferably scheduled more than 2 business days later). In case of objections or observations, all documents are returned to the architect, and the rejection is documented on the single form (FUAP). After the inspection, the Municipality informs BuildCo of the fee assessed and fills out the single municipal form (formulario unico municipal). After the inspection, GENISIS (the computerized system) calculates the overall fees and produces the single municipal form (formulario unico municipal).
Time and cost: 30 days, BOB 1,522
Request construction permit
Agency: Municipality (Dirección de Administración Predial)
Debe presentarse ante el GAMLP la siguiente documentación:
- Formulario Único de Administración Territorial
- Ficha Técnica matrices paremetrizadas
- Cédula de Identidad
- Certificado Catastral Vigente
- Proyecto del Arquitecto 2 ejemplares
- Proyecto del Arquitecto en formato digital
- Estudio Geologico
- Proyecto y caculo estructural
- Plan de Contingencias
- Carta Notariada de deslinde de responsabilidades
The municipality reviews the documents and enters the application data into the electronic system SITR@M. After 5 business days, the architect in charge returns to the Municipality to arrange a date for the on-site inspection (preferably scheduled more than 2 business days later). In case of objections or observations, all documents are returned to the architect, and the rejection is documented on the single form (FUAP). After the inspection, the Municipality informs BuildCo of the fee assessed and fills out the single municipal form (formulario unico municipal). After the inspection, GENISIS (the computerized system) calculates the overall fees and produces the single municipal form (formulario unico municipal).
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request and receive initial inspection (reparteo)
Agency: Municipality
The inspectors confirm that the plans and the site fulfill all regulatory requirements.This procedure cannot be be simultaneous with the previous ones.
Time and cost: 2 days, no charge
Obtain the construction permit at the Municipality
Agency: Municipality
Fees are paid at the Municipality after the plans have been approved. Due to a backlog of applications at the Municipality, it takes 43 days on average from the date of request to receipt of permit.
Time and cost: 43 days, BOB 1,951
Request and receive inspection of the support structure
Agency: Municipality
To request and receive an inspection for support structure, roof and installations must address the Municipality of La Paz.
Time and cost: 2 days, no charge
Request and receive inspection of the roof
Agency: Municipality
To request and receive an inspection for support structure, roof and installations must address the Municipality of La Paz
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request and receive inspection of installations
Agency: Municipality
To request and receive an inspection for support structure, roof and installations must address the Municipality of La Paz.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request and receive final inspection
Agency: Municipality
To request and receive a final inspection BuildCo. must address the Municipality of La Paz.
Time and cost: 2 days, no charge
Request water and sewage connection
Agency: Empresa Pública de Agua y Saneamiento
In parallel, BuildCo. can request a water and sewage connection, BuildCo must submit the following required documents:
- Royal folio (folio real en derechos reales)
- Identification
- Location plan
- Sanitary plan (if the building has two or more floors)
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive a technical inspection (water connection feasibility study)
Agency: Empresa Pública de Agua y Saneamiento
Once the application form has been received, the technical inspection determines the feasibility of service. Following the inspection, the water utility provider calculates the water and sewage connection fee.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Connect to water and sewage services
Agency: Empresa Pública de Agua y Saneamiento
The connection to water and sewage services is finally obtained.
Time and cost: 46 days, BOB 4,581