Reservation of the company name
Agency: National Center for Company Registration
The entrepreneur needs to go to the one-stop shop for business start-up ( National Center for Company Registration) and reserve the chosen name, that needs to be available.
Time and cost: 1 day, no cost
Deposit the capital in a bank account opened in the name of the company to be incorporated
Agency: Bank
The company’s capital must be deposited in a special bank account (“compte bloqué”), with the single purpose to deposit the capital. Once the business is created, the capital is reverted to a regular bank account.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Submit the application at the One-Stop Shop (APII) in order to register with the Commercial Registry, Tax Authority, Social Security, Labor Inspectorate and obtain the company seal
Agency: Industry Promotion Agency (Agence Nationale de la Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation, APII)
To register a company, business founders must submit an application to the One-Stop Shop at the Industry Promotion Agency (interlocuteur unique de l’Agence Nationale de la Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation, APII). The following documents must be presented:
- 10 original copies of the articles of association;
- 4 declarations of the manager nomination;
- 4 reports from the Registrar (commissaire aux apports) if the capital is partially not paid-in in cash;
- 3 copies of the proof of company domicile;
- 4 copies of the company’s legal representative’s ID;
- 2 copies of the owners’ IDs;
- 2 copies of the bank statement for the capital deposit;
- 2 copies of supporting documents indicating the registered company office;
- 2 certified copies of bank statement determining the company name and the start-up capital in TND;
- 5 copies of a declaration of investment (at APII or APIA, CEPEX, ONTT);
- 1 registration form (déclaration d’existence);
- 1 Commercial Registry forms (Registre du commerce);
- 1 form indicating the beneficial owners;
- 1 certificate of birth (to register at the National Social Security Fund (Caisse Nationale de Securité Sociale);
- 1 application form for the National Social Security Fund (Caisse Nationale de Securité Sociale) for the employer;
- 1 application form for the National Social Security Fund (Caisse Nationale de Securité Sociale) for the employees;
- 1 declaration form of establishement ( formulaire de déclaration d’établissement) for Labor Inspection.
Upon review at the One-Stop Shop, the application is transferred to the relevant agencies and the company obtains the following registrations: with the Tax Authority and the tax ID (carte d’identification fiscale); with the Commercial Registry (Registre de Commerce); with the National Social Security Fund (Caisse Nationale de Securité Sociale) and with the Labor Inspection (Inspection du Travail).
The registration fees are paid at the same counter.
Time and cost: 7 days; TND 150 (tax registration), TND 50 (Court fees), TND 40 + (Registry fees) + TND 13 (company seal)