Check the company name
Agency: Guichet Unique (CFE)
The first step is to verify the uniqueness of the desired company name. The availability of the name can be checked online at or with the computer in the Guichet Unique.
Time and cost: Less than 1 day (online procedure), no charge
Deposit the company’s initial capital
Agency: Bank or Public Notary
When depositing initial capital, company founders must consider that the minimum authorized capital for a limited liability company is XOF 100,000, divided into shares whose face value cannot be lower than XOF 5,000. The entire authorized capital is paid up upon subscription. The founder must immediately deposit the share contribution in a bank account opened under the name of the company or the notary. The funds remain frozen until the date of company registration with the Registre de Commerce et de Crédit Mobilier (RCCM), at which time the funds are placed at the disposal of the managers.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Deposit all the documents for company registration, tax registration, social security registration, publication, and pay the fees at the one-stop shop
Agency: Guichet Unique (CFE)
The one stop shop (CFE) is fully operational and is the official agency in charge of incorporating a business including since the Ministry of Commerce is not part of the business registration process since the beginning of 2009. This One-stop shop has been improved in 2013 and the time for registration has been significantly reduced.
The cost are the following:
Court (XOF 8,250) + Tax authority stamp (XOF 1,000) + One-stop shop (Centre de Formalité des Entreprises) (XOF 20,000) + online publication (XOF 1,000).
Time and cost: 1 day, see procedure details