Register the company
Agency: Companies and Business Registration Department-CBRD
To register, the entrepreneur completes the company incorporation form and the business registration form including the relevant business details and submits them either online or to the Companies and Business Registration Department-CBRD after payment of fees has been affected either online or on-site.
After registering online, a computer-generated certificate is provided once the company is registered.
Upon incorporation, the Registrar of Companies updates the online Central Business Registration Database with the details of the registered companies. The Mauritius Revenue Authority, Local Authority (Municipality) & the Ministry of Social Security are connected to the Central Business Registration Database system, which is located at the Registrar of Companies. Therefore, once a company is incorporated, it is automatically registered for taxes and does not need to file a separate application at the Tax Office. The information of the employer is electronically shared with the Ministry of Social Security (MSS).
Time and cost: Less than 1 day (online procedure), MUR 3,000 in registration fees
Receive inspection by the local authorities
Agency: Local Authorities
Once the company is registered, the Registrar of Companies provides relevant agencies with an electronic notice about the newly registered business and the expected start date of its business activities. These agencies include: the Sanitary Authority, the Police Department, the Fire Services Department, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Environment, and so forth. Subsequently, local authorities communicate fees, relevant guidelines, and other provisions with businesses that intend to trade within their jurisdiction.
Time and cost: 4 days on average, no charge
Obtain an exemption certificate for trade fees
Agency: Local Authorities
Further to the amendments to the Finance (Miscellaneous provisions) Act No. 18 of 2016, Section 122 of the Local Government Act No. 36 of 2011 has been amended to provide for the suspension of trade fees of MUR 5,000 and below.
As from January 2017 and for a period of three years, all Small and Medium Enterprises are exempt from paying trade fees for licences of MUR 5,000 and below. This is except for those engaged in activities such as gambling, sales of liquor and cigarettes.
Instead, entrepreneurs obtain an exemption certificate by the Municipal city council.
Time and cost: 1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure), exemption for trade fees of MUR 5,000 and below
Make a company seal
Agency: Sealmaker
A company seal has not been a legal requirement since 2008, but they are commonly used in business operations.
Time and cost: 1 day (simultaneous with procedure 3), USD 12