Deposit the initial capital in a bank
Agency: Bank
The lawyer or notary public needs to deposit the capital into a blocked bank account and obtain a proof of deposit.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Check the uniqueness of the company name
Agency: Commercial Registry
Business founders can check the availability of the proposed company name at no cost.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Prepare the company’s Articles of Association
Agency: Notary
Business founders must prepare the company’s articles of association. According to articles 10, 11, 311, 313, 314 and 73 of the “Acte uniforme relatif au droit des societes commerciales revises” (OHADA) and Decret D/2014/124/PRG/SGGG of May 30st, 2014, the use of notaries is optional, although notary services are still used by most entrepreneurs.
Time and cost: 2 days, GNF 1.8 million
Register the company at the One-Stop Shop (APIP) to obtain registration with the Commercial Registry, the Tax Authorities, Social Security and notify the Labor Promotion Agency (AGUIPE) of the hiring of employees
Agency: One-Stop Shop (Agence de Promotion des Investissements Privés – APIP-Guinée)
Business founders must apply for incorporation at the one-stop shop (APIP-Guinée). Upon receipt of a incorporation request and payment of the relevant fees, APIP proceeds to obtain registration with the Commercial Registry, the Tax Authorities, and Social Security. The Tax ID (Numéro d’Identification Fiscale – NIF) and the online publication of a notice of company incorporation are also provided by APIP. Employees can be registered with Social Security through the one-stop shop or at the offices of the Social Security Institute (CNSS – Caisse nationale de Sécurité sociale). Companies can also notify the Labor Promotion Agency (Agence Guinéenne pour la Promotion de l’ Emploi – AGUIPE) of the hiring of employees at the one-stop shop.
The registration fees for a new limited liability company (SARL) are the following: 200,000 (registration of the articles of association if the capital is under 100,000,000GNF) + 100,000 GNF (registration at RCCM) + 100,000 GNF (NIF) + 50,000 (administrative fees) + 2,000 GNF/page (stamp duty) + 100,000 GNF (verbal process)+ 100,000 (AGUIPE) +150 000 (publication).
Time and cost: 4 days, see comments
Publish incorporation notices in a legal journal
Agency: Legal journal
The incorporation of the company has to be publish in a legal journal. it can be published on the website of the APIP but entrepreneurs prefer to publish it in a legal journal.
Time and cost: 7 days, GNF 200,000 (included in the notary fees)
Make a company seal
Agency: Seal maker
Companies normally obtain a company seal so that the company’s representatives can sign documents in the company’s name during their various interactions with different Authorities.
Time and cost: 1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure), GNF 20,000