Open a bank account and deposit the minimum capital at the bank
Agency: Bank
There are two ways to deposit the start-up capital. Business founders can open a bank account to deposit their start-up capital or deposit the capital with a notary and obtain a statement certifying the deposit.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Register at the one-stop shop (CEPICI) and request the publication of the notice of company incorporation
Agency: CEPICI
Companies can be incorporated with a notarized deed or with a privately signed deed. Most limited liability companies are incorporated with a privately signed document.
The company registration is made at the One-Stop Shop (CEPICI). Since December 2012, the CEPICI allows entrepreneurs to register with the commercial registrar (Registre du Commerce et du Crédit Inmobilier), the tax authority (Direction Générale d’Impots) and the social security institute (Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale).
The one-stop-shop also publishes the legal notice of incorporation on their website (
Time and cost: 3 days, XOF 15,000
Obtain a company seal
Agency: Seal maker
Business founders can make a company seal at a sealmaker for approximately XOF 10,000.
Time and cost: 1 day, approximately XOF 10,000
Notify the company’s address to the local Tax Authority
Agency: Local Tax Authority (Centre des Impôts)
After the company was registered with the Tax Authority (Direction Générale des Impôts, DGI), the company’s address must be informed to the local tax authorities. A notification of the company’s address (demande de rattachement) must be delivered to the local Tax Authority (Centre des Impôts du siège social).
Time and cost: 1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure), no charge